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Project Delivery Plan; Checklist And Guidelines

Segindec Renovations shares their project delivery plan

for a kitchen remodel or renovation.

Finally decided to remodel your living space? Do you have any idea what the project entails? Do you have the key things needed to

make sure the project runs smoothly? Do you even know how the service provider operates when dealing with your project?

Taking you from the Discover and Design phase to Quality Check phase

Will all those pictures downloaded online from websites, Pinterest, Instagram and any social media platform be useful? Will all these ideas work in your space? So many questions, very little information from service providers that you requested a quote or estimate from, however Segindec Renovations can share their project delivery plan for a kitchen remodel or renovation.

Some Quick Guidelines on Formatting

Don’t make your guide longer than 2000 words. In an ultimate guide, you also have a lot of space to use your SEO keywords. Put 2-3 keywords around in the post, in the H2 headings, and in the text itself. Add Anchors Links much like a table of contents where readers can click and go to a section of the post. To add them, click on Link in the toolbar above, select Section and select one of the headings in the post.

Discover And Design

Choose Desired Materials

Create 3D Design


Quality Check


Discover And Design

The first step is to book a consultation. Meet and discuss the details of the project with a service provider. Segindec Renovations consultant will get measurements and images of the space, and then they will sit down with you to get a great understanding of your hopes and expectations for your new space.

This is where your saved Pinterest/Instagram images or that pile of magazine clippings will come in handy to help the consultant get a good feel for your desired look, taste and functionality of your kitchen. A preliminary budget will be discussed at this stage as a design plan is created. This is your chance to get your reader excited about the guide and appreciate the real value behind reading the post in its entirety.

Choose Desired Materials

A Segindec Renovations consultant will incorporate your ideas for your space and work with you to fine-tune your selections, making sure no detail is left behind. You can count on our consultant to provide ample samples from our trusted suppliers in order to give you the real look and feel of the materials you are selecting. Custom samples are always available for order for those one-of-a-kind custom kitchens.

Create 3D Design

Your kitchen will come to life after a Segindec Renovations consultant creates your 3D design utilizing state-of-the-art 2022 CAD design software. During this stage, the Segindec Renovations consultant will make sure that your selections are fine-tuned and revisions made as you see how your selections come together. The consultant will schedule another consultation for the designs to be presented to your for review and approval.

At this stage, you need to finalise all the material, hardware, fixture and/or lighting choices. THIS is the last stage to make changes or alterations.

Once the 3D design meets your requirements, an estimate can be worked out based on the approved design and material choices.


Once you have approved your new kitchen design and estimate, a contract is signed (including designs) and timeline can be set. Many of the major selections will be finalized, materials will be ordered and your custom cabinetry will be built. At this point, there is no room for adjustment even on some of the minor selections such as hardware, lighting, fixtures, etc. Your kitchen installation will be scheduled once material suppliers provide a delivery date.

On most projects, the material will be delivered a day before installation commences. Only on extenuating circumstances such as projects in another province will the installation commence immediately therefore on the day material is delivered but this will be communicated upfront with the homeowner. On the day material is delivered, you will be introduced to your project manager.

On the installation day, you will meet the skilled installation crew. No instructions are given to the crew by the homeowner, any matters that arise must be discussed with the project manager. Many of the workers are there to do a specific task and will have no idea about the plan for the overall project. While being friendly is fine, asking questions can slow down their progress and may even lead to confusion and a work stoppage. It’s usually best to hold your questions for the project manager who is responsible for supervising your remodeling project.

The exception is if you see something being done incorrectly or differently than you had anticipated. When that happens, stopping the worker will often be much appreciated.

Quality Check

It’s often better to wait until after working hours to take a stroll through the area under construction. Every single day of installation, the project manager will have a quick discussion with you about progress or any challenges faced by the crew such as walls that are not properly built (curving, problematic, etc) and advise on how the crew will address these. On final day of installation, a quality check will

be completed by project manager and the homeowner for project closure.

Integrity is a big value in our business. We look forward to taking you through this DELIGHT Encounter Process when you choose Segindec Renovations to remodel your living space. We welcome you to leave comments or questions below.

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